According to FutureWise analysis the market for acupuncture needles in 2023 is US$ 252.8 million, and is expected to reach US$ 382.7 million by 2031 at a CAGR of 5.30%.
Acupuncture is the practice of inserting a slender, solid metallic needle into the skin, followed by the practitioner employing gentle hand movements or applying electrical stimulation to activate them. The needle is placed at a point that creates a sensation of pressure or ache. Needles are heated during the treatment, or mild electric current is applied. Some individuals report acupuncture makes them feel energized, while others feel relaxed. Increasingly, it is used for overall wellness, including stress management. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese method to reduce some health conditions and pain symptoms.
Acupuncture points are situated in all areas of the body, and sometimes, the effective points are far removed from the area where an individual is experiencing discomfort. The acupuncturist will indicate the general site of the intended treatment and whether any clothing needs to be removed. A gown, towel, or sheet is provided. Acupuncture needles are carefully inserted to various depths at specific points in the body. The needles are very thin, so insertion causes little discomfort. And in some cases, individuals often don't feel needles inserted. A typical treatment session uses 5 to 20 needles. Individuals may feel a mild aching sensation when a needle reaches the correct depth.
FutureWise Market Research has published a report that provides an insightful analysis acupuncture needles market trends that are affecting the overall market growth. This report will provide a detailed analysis of market share, regional insights, and competitor analysis that includes stature of key manufacturers operational in this industry. According to the analysis conducted by FutureWise research analysts, acupuncture needles market is estimated to register a considerable growth rate over the forecast period. This report lists the market segments and potential prospects available across this industry, in addition providing crucial information on the total valuation currently held by the industry. Moreover, this report will assist key management individuals in an organisation to enhance their decisions pertaining to business expansion as well as strategic changes for increasing customer base.